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Aim. To estimate prospects of rehabilitation actions at the babies born with hypotrophic type of light severity of delay of pre-natal growth. Materials and methods. Since the birth under observation 151 children, from them also development of a fruit of hypotrophic type of light severity - 57 (group 1) and without that - 69 (group 2) from mothers with the burdened somatic and obstetric and gynecologic anamnesis are given rise in the result of the complicated pregnancy and childbirth, including with a growth inhibition. Almost healthy children born by almost healthy mothers made the 3rd group - 25 children. Children are full-term, mature, looked round in 1 (n=142), 3 (n=132), 6 (n=122), 12 (n=124) months. Outcome recording methods were a comprehensive case history analysis, physical examination, assessment of electrocardiography and cardiointervalography. Distribution-free statistical analysis methods. Results. Correlation connections on the 2-3 day between body weight and length r=0.57, body weight and tooth width P r=0.33, body length and tooth width P r=0.37, mode amplitude and voltage index r=0.87, mode amplitude and interval width PQ r=-0.28, voltage index and interval width QT r=-0.31, tooth width Q and interval P=0.4; 1 month between body weight and length r=0.6, mode amplitude and voltage index r=0.71, voltage index and interval width QT r=-0.32, tooth width P and interval PQ r=0.4, complex width QRS and interval QTr=0.33; 3 the month between body weight and length r=0.66, body length and complex width QRS r=0.37, mode amplitude and voltage index r=0.8, tooth width P and interval PQ r=0.46, tooth width P and complex QRS r=0.48, complex width QRS and interval QT r=0.31; In the 6 months between body weight and body length r=0.63, body length and mode amplitude r=-0.32, body length and pressure index r=-0.34, body length and interval width QT r=0.36, mode amplitude and voltage index r=0.87, sympathetic activity and interval width QT r=-0.36, voltage index and interval width QT r=0.41, interval width QT=12 months between body weight and length r=0.6, body weight and mode amplitude r=-0.44, body weight and voltage index r=-0.4, mode amplitude and voltage index r=0.89, shary tooth P and interval PQ r=0.34, tooth width P and complex QRS r=0.47. Conclusion. The revealed correlation communications of some studied parameters of health allow doctors to allocate groups of dispensary observation, to diagnose changes at early stages, to carry out differential diagnostics between the beginning of diseases, correctional actions with assessment of their efficiency.

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About the authors

Dmitry O. Ivanov

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Vitaly V. Derevtsov

Voyno-Yasenetsky Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance to Children

Moscow, Russia


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