Irrigation therapy in the treatment and prevention of pathology of the nasal cavity in young children

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The article describes the main protective mechanisms of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (epithelial barrier, mucociliary clearance, antimicrobial peptides, immunoglobulin A, microbiota), which prevent the penetration of respiratory infections. Mucociliary transport slows down the low humidity of the inhaled air and mucous membrane, as well as drugs such as benzalkonium chloride, naphazoline, oil drops, astringents. Carbocysteine, macrolides, salbutamol, saline solutions accelerate the work of the ciliary epithelium. Features of infants are underdevelopment of cavernous tissue in the nasal cavity, inability to breathe through the mouth with nasal congestion, and the presence of various, including intestinal, microflora in rhinitis. A feature of the course of rhinitis in young children is often the absence of a fluid secretion in the nose, and noisy labored breathing is caused by dry crusts of accumulated secretion in the posterior nasal cavity, which are practically not removed by aspiration. These features determine the low effectiveness of decongestants in the treatment of rhinitis, which can also lead to undesirable side effects, such as tachycardia, lethargy, and coma. Maintaining normal protective factors for the nasal cavity plays an important role in preventing acute respiratory viral infection in young children. This is facilitated by environmental humidity, which can be ensured by the use of special air humidifiers, as well as by irrigation of the nasal cavity of young children with saline solutions. The article describes the objectives, indications and methods of irrigation therapy for the prevention and treatment of rhinitis in infants.

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About the authors

Mariia V. Subbotina

Irkutsk State Medical University

Irkutsk, Russia


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