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Aim. Comparative evaluation of ERF in children with dysplastic and neurogenic spinal deformities and the determination of their correlation with the radiological parameters of the severity and mobility of the deformation. Materials and methods. A comparative clinical and radiological study was carried out to determine the parameters of the external respiration function (ERF) in children with severe dysplastic (61 patients), neurogenic spinal deformities (30 patients) and conditionally healthy children without spinal deformities (reference group - 30 children) over the age of 6 under 17 years old. Patients were hospitalized in the neuro-orthopedic department of the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery FSAI "Scientific Research Center for Children's Health" from 2010 to 2020 to further examine and perform surgical correction of spinal deformity. Results. Significantly more severe disturbances of the ERF were revealed in children with neurogenic spinal deformities, which were accompanied by a decrease in conductivity along the bronchi of all calibers: large, medium and small, as evidenced by the indicators MOS25(%D), MOS50(%D) and MOS75(%D), while dysplastic deformities of the spine were characterized mainly by impaired conduction in the small bronchi - MOS75(%D). Conclusions. A high correlation was established between the radiological indicators of the severity and mobility of spinal deformity with revealed impairments of the ERF, to a greater extent in patients with neurogenic scoliosis, which allows us to judge the severity of the course of scoliotic disease and make a timely decision on the need for surgical correction.

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About the authors

Oleg B. Chelpachenko

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

Moscow, Russia

Andrei P. Fisenko

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

Moscow, Russia

Konstantin V. Zherdev

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

Moscow, Russia

Sergei P. Yatsyk

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

Moscow, Russia

Olga I. Simonova

National Medical Research Center for Children's Health

Moscow, Russia


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