
The history of the creation of special temperature measurement devices in humans
Zakharova I., Osmanov I., Berezhnaya I., Sugian N., Maykova I., Samitova E., Tvorogova T., Kolushkin D., Pupykina V., Rodionov I.
The role of ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acids in the prevention of atherogenic cardiovascular diseases starting in childhood
Zakharova I., Osmanov I., Pshenichnikova I., Skorobogatova E., Koba Y., Kuznetsova I.
Nasopharyngeal cysts in children
Kotova E., Vyazmenov E., Baranov K.
Non cystic fibrosis-related bronchiectasis in children: etiological structure, clinical and laboratory and computed tomographic characteristics
Frolov P., Zhestkova M., Ovsyannikov D., Ayrapetyan M., Topilin O., Korsunskiy A., Bojcova E., Zapevalova E., Orlov A., Makarenko H., Marchenkov Y., Berezhanskiy P., Gorev V.
Fermented milk products and functional nutrition in children
Belmer S., Kovtun T.
Assessment of the state of compensatory resources and the degree of adaptation of the body to environmental conditions in full-term infants: cross-sectional study
Derevtsov V., Neudakhin E., Antonova L., Romanyuk F., Ivanov D., Kozlova L., Bekezin V., Chumakova G., Chistyakova G., Shcherbakova M., Derevtsova A.
Assessment of the nutritional status of children admitted to thoracic surgical department
Fomina М., Borovik T., Yatsyk S., Alkhasov A., Zvonkova N., Gusev А., Sokolov I., Bushueva T., Lebedeva L.
New technologies in the control of the course of diabetes mellitus in children (continuous monitoring of glycemia): what a pediatrician should know
Taranushenko T.
Effectiveness of osteosynthesis with flexible titanium rods in the long-term treatment of femoral fractures in children aged 0 to 7 years
Sidorov S., Сhelpachenko O., Yatsyk S., Serova N., Nikishov S.
Nutrition of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren: trends, problems and search for ways of optimization
Samorodnova E.
Results evaluation of the implementation of the “Program for Optimizing Feeding of Children in the First Year of Life in the Russian Federation” dated 2009
Skvortsova V., Borovik T., Fisenko A., Timofeeva A., Bushueva T., Lukoyanova O., Akoeva D., Chernikov V., Sokolov I., Belousova T., Dzhumagaziev A., Lebedeva J., Mironenko I., Senkevich O., Furtsev V.
Familial hypercholesterolemia: cascade screening along the “child–parent” pathway
Sadykova D., Galimova L., Slastnikova E., Kim Z., Khaliullina C., Salakhova K.
Specific features of electrocardiograms in infants with intrauterine growth restriction and developmental delays
Derevtsov V., Ivanov D., Shcherbakova M., Romanyuk F., Chumakova G., Chistyakova G.
Motherhood and infant feeding: Historical aspects and current practice: A review
Zakharova I., Sugian N., Kosareva A., German N., Orobinskaia I., Pupykina V.
Features of microcirculation changes in children with a burdened allergic history. Case Report
Berezhanskiy P., Gutyrchik T., Malakhov A., Kovalenko I., Gutyrchik N., Dustbabaeva N.
Innovations in the dietary therapy of cow's milk protein allergy: enrichment of highly hydrolyzed infant formulas with human milk oligosaccharides: A review
Zakharova I., Osmanov I., Berezhnaya I., Dmitrieva D., Skorobogatova E., Gostiukhina A.
Possibilities of using ambazone (Faringosept) in infectious and inflammatory diseases of oropharynx. A review
Zakharova I., Berezhnaya I., Kuznetsova I., Dubovets N.
Consensus of participants of the round table «Voice disorder as a socially significant problem: an interdisciplinary approach» at the interdisciplinary forum of otorhinolaryngologists and pediatricians, February 17-18, 2024, St. Petersburg
Ryazantsev S., Zakharova I., Kim I., Radtsig E.
Results of a regional immunoprophylaxis program for children at risk of a severe course of respiratory syncytial virus infection with palivizumab in the Republic of Bashkortostan
Amirova V., Greshilov A., Sholokhova A.
Iron deficiency in children: modern aspects of the problem, possibilities of primary prevention: A review
Samorodnova E.
Leading-edge non-specific prevention of a new coronavirus infection and acute respiratory infections of other etiology
Vavilova V., Vavilov A., Tsarkova S.
Pediatric basics about tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues in children
Susuleva N.
Growth retardation in children with allergies: A review
Zakharova I., Berezhnaya I., Simakova M.
Does maternal postpartum depression affect child health and development? A review
Zakharova I., Berezhnaya I., Sugian N., Orobinskaia I., Karimova A.
Clinical features of the course of Graves' disease in children
Bolotova N., Filina N., Polyakov V., Aldashkin S., Fedotova A.
The results of monitoring children with a new coronavirus infection, hospitalized in the infectious diseases department
Samigullina N., Faizullina R., Viktorov V.
Characteristics of chronic non-bacterial osteomyelitis in children living in the Novosibirsk region
Zatolokina A., Loskutova S., Belousova T., Blagitko N., Dagaeva A., Khrushchev S.
Topical issues of the use of meat in baby food: A review
Pyrieva E., Safronova A., Timoshina M.
Three-stage surgical treatment for colon lesions in children with Crohn's disease. Retrospective-prospective study
Bekin A., Dyakonova E., Gusev A., Potapov A., Lokhmatov M., Kulikov K., Yatsyk S.
Vitamin D supplementation in children with urinary tract infection
Tsutsaeva A., Zakharova I., Klimov L., Minasyan A., Dolbnya S., Kuryaninova V.
Gut microbiota and obesity. Can probiotics help?
Zakharova I., Berezhnaya I., Simakova M.
Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in children after coronavirus disease: Observational study
Isaeva E., Zaytseva O., Lokshina E., Zaytseva S., Murtazaeva O., Okorokov P., Zyabkin I.
Post-covid syndrome in children in rare cases of COVID-19
Zakharova I., Osmanov I., Tvorogova T., Berezhnaya I., Makhaeva A.
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 on the example of one family. Liver transplantation as an effective treatment method. Case report
Loskutova S., Belousova T., Nikulina A., Blagitko N., Plyushkin V.
Case report of pulmonary embolism in pediatric practice
Belousova T., Loskutova S., Zatolokina A., Plyushkin V.
Incidence of the new coronavirus infection in children based on outpatient data in Voronezh
Cherkasova O., Moshurova L.
The role of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections in children: A review
Lokshina E., Zaytseva O.
Assessment of changes in urinalysis from the position of general pediatrician
Chugunova O., Yaroshevskaya O.
Sleep disorders in children with rheumatic diseases
Kelmanson I.
Phytotherapy of respiratory infections in children: Iceland moss syrup as a new treatment for dry cough. A review
Starostina L., Malakhov A.
Heart failure in children and adolescents (high yield topics for primary care pediatrician)
Delyagin W., Lukjanova I.
Pharynx infectious and inflammatory diseases local etiotropic therapy efficacy comprehensive assessment in preschool and primary school-age children
Zakharova I., Kuznetsova I., Cherednikova T., Makhaeva A., Koshechkin S., Romanov V., Odintsova V.
The choice of antihypertensive drugs in the treatment of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents: retrospective study
Kozlova L., Krikova A., Mikhailova O.
Obesity is an important paediatric problem that paediatricians and endocrinologists should address together
Berezhnaya I., Simakova M., Zakharova I.
Questions of systemic and topical antibacterial therapy of acute rhinosinusitis in a child
Karpova E., Tulupov D., Emel'yanova M., Naumov O.
The role of short-chain fatty acids in the formation of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children: A review
Pervishko O., Ardatskaya M., Zakharova I., Soboleva N., Stinskaya U., Berezhnaya I., Borzakova S., Dmitrieva D.
Asthenia in children: What's new for a pediatrician. A review
Lokshina E., Savitskaya N., Khmelkova I.
Features of hereditary thrombosis (analysis of clinical cases in newborns)
Vaganov A., Taranushenko T., Parshin N.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6 and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Berezhnaya I., Zakharova I., Simakova M., Sgibneva A.
Rhinitis in children of the first years of life
Karpischenko S., Tikhomirova E.
Analysis of the correspondence between endoscopy and histology in 135 pediatric esophagogastroduodenoscopies: a retrospective study
Shavrov A., Ibragimov S., Tertychnyy A., Morozov D., Shavrov A., Kharitonova A., Merkulova A.
Algorithm of local conservative treatment of children with burns
Budkevich L., Soshkina V.
Pneumonia in newborns
Ovsyannikov D., Boitsova E.
Study of the acoustic breathing pattern in children with bronchial asthma using a Respiratory Sound Recorder
Aseeva E., Geppe N., Grebeneva I., Kovalenko I., Bukharov D., Malyshev V.
Gluten related disorders: a review of the literature
Kamilova A., Azimova N., Zakharova I.
Agreed Expert Opinion of the XI Educational International Consensus on Respiratory Medicine in Pediatrics on the organization of pertussis vaccination
Geppe N., Malakhov A.
Nutritional status analysis in preterm infants on different types of feeding
Ovchinnikova T., Taranushenko T., Salmina A., Karpova L., Antsiferova E.
Therapeutic efficacy of an interferon inducer in the treatment and prophylaxis of acute respiratory viral infections in childhood: A review
Mizernitskiy Y., Dorovskaya N., Melnikova I.
One of the possibilities of optimizing the therapy of a new coronavirus infection in children with the inclusion of an extract from marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, horsetail grass, walnut leaves, yarrow grass, oak bark and dandelion grass: prospective open comparative cohort study
Vavilova V., Vavilov A., Tsarkova S., Nesterova O., Kulyabina A., Yakhno N., Anisimova A., Vavilov V., Elkina E., Dobryak T.
Are clinical guidelines important in pediatric practice?
Bekhtereva M., Komarova A.
Obesity and oxidative stress in children and adolescents
Peresetskaia O., Kozlova L., Bekezin V.
Features of the voice apparatus in children with hearing loss
Daldova V., Merkulova E., Eremenko J., Bosiakov S., Vasenkova E.
Electronic smoking devices: a dangerous hobby for children and adolescents. A review
Pshenichnikova I., Komarov A., Pshenichnikova A., Zakharova I.
Influenza: current topics of etiotropic drug selection
Savenkova M.
Difficulties of evaluation of pyeloectasia in children
Konoplev V., Zabotina E., Guseva N., Runkova M., Korsunskiy A., Bozhendaev T.
Prevention of acute respiratory infections in children early age with chronic herpetic diseases infections
Pervishko O., Soboleva N., Baum T., Levchenko A.
Zaplatnikov A., Gorev V., Dmitriev A., Dement'ev A., Chabaidze Z., Svintsitskaia V.
Current trends in the prevalence of asthma-like symptoms in elementary school children
Ermakova M., Matveeva L., Kapustina N.
A rational approach to the treatment of urinary tract infections in children
Chugunova O.
Component changes of body composition in children with obesity and the development of the left ventricle hypertrophy
Kedrinskaya A., Obraztsova G., Kuprienko N., Leonova I.
Visceral leishmaniasis in children (own results and literature analysis)
Volkova G., Smirnova M., Delyagin W.
Outpatient practice for the treatment of patients over 4 years old with monthly respiratory diseases and herpesvirus infection
Melekhina E., Muzyka A., Ponezheva Z., Gorelov A.
Payr's syndrome as the cause of chronic abdominal pain in children
Kamilova A., Ergashev N., Nurmatova N., Geller S.
Biological drugs in the therapy of atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma: focus on dupilumab
Reviakina V., Geppe N., Malakhov A., Kaliuzhin O., Astaf'eva N., Kolosova N., Malakhova-Kapanadze M.
Eosinophilic esophagitis: still a difficult condition to diagnose. Case report
Zakharova I., Osmanov I., Pampura A., Khomeriki S., Vorobeva A., Goncharova L., Dmitrieva D., Koshurnikova A., Kvirkvelia M., Simakova M., Sgibneva A.
Possibilities of using topical (intranasal) solution of framycetin in the treatment of inflammatory pathology of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx in children 3–9 years old
Bogomil’skii M., Radtsig E., Pivneva N.
Evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of various anti-relapse therapy regimens in children with pyelonephritis
Eremeeva A.
Chugunova O., Melekhina E., Muzyka A.
Erythroderma in newborns and infants: differential diagnosis and therapeutic tactics
Dmitrieva J., Zakharova I., Tamrazova O., Bukin S.
Inhalation therapy for bronchial obstruction in children: traditional approaches and new opportunities
Kamaev A., Trusova O., Makarova I., Korostovtsev D.
Features of clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in children of the Samara region
Borisova O., Bochkareva N., Kitajchik S., Kabanova N., Yashkina O., Turko S.
Novel coronavirus infection in childhood: literature review and clinical observation
Malakhov A., Gutyrchik T., Samitova E., Dronov I., Osmanov I., Mazankova L., Nedostoev A., Antsupova M., Kolosova N.
Differential diagnosis between postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans and hypersensitive pneumonitis
Spichak T., Kustova O.
Delyagin V.
Blokhin B., Lobushkova I., Prokhorova A., Suyundukova A.
Therapy of bronchial asthma in children: age-related aspects
Geppe N., Kondiurina E., Reviakina V., Malakhov A., Kolosova N.
Impact of gut microbiota and vitamin A and D supplementation on child health
Zakharova I., Dedikova O., Kuchina A., Sgibneva A.
On the issue of symptomatic treatment of respiratory infections in children during the COVID-19 season
Zakharova I.
Delyagin V., Aksyenova N., Olimpieva S.
Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections during the period of seasonal rise in morbidity
Kholodova I.
Probiotics as prevention for gastro-intestinal disorders in pediatrics
Perceval C., Pletincx M., Vandenplas Y.
Key issues in selecting an antibacterial drug for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children: A review
Zaytseva S., Lokshina E., Zaytseva O.
Updated PRIMA consensus document to assist the practicing physician
Reviakina V., Astaf'eva N., Geppe N., Kaliuzhin O.
The use of functional foods in children
Zakharova I., Berezhnaia I., Sgibneva A.
Iron deficiency syndromes are the basis of a personalized approach to the treatment of anemia in pediatric practice
Demikhov V., Lebedev V., Demikhova E., Abalenikhina Y., Dmitriev A.
The course of plastic bronchitis in children
Malakhov A., Yablokova E., Tkachev M., Kovalenko I., Sokolina I.
Zakharova I., Kasjanova A.
Second malignant tumors in pediatric cancer survivors
Pavlova T., Valiev T.
Immunity, breast milk and infant formula: finding the optimal balance
Meleshkina A., Geppe N., Chebysheva S., Velikoretskaia M., Dagbaeva D.
The problem of teenage tobacco smoking: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Kozhevnikova T., Geppe N., Osmanov I., Gerasimenko N., Mashukova N., Il'enkova N., Malakhov A., Chepurnaia M., Odinaeva N., Savvina N.
1 - 100 的 117 信息 1 2 > >> 


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